Sunday, April 25, 2010

William Oscar Johnson Album Signature Book Nov. 24th, 1900 & Feb. 3rd, 1901


Ogden, Utah Nov. 24, 1900

Dear Will;-

May all your days be spent
in bliss,
May all your hopes succeed.
Be but as happy as I wish,
And you’ll be blest indeed.

Your Friend
Mary E. Nordquist

Ogden, Utah, No 24th, 1900,

Dear Willie:-

Remember me dear Willie,
When on these lines you look.
Remember it was Hulda.
Who worte (wrote) this was in your book.

From your friend
Hulda L, Nordquist.

Ogden, Utah. Nov. 24, 1900.

Dear William;-

In the Book of Life –
God’s album may your name
be penned with care;
And may all who here have
Their names forever there.

Your Friend
Mrs. M. Nordquist

Ogden City Nov 24th

Friend Will.

May happiness be they (thy) lot.
And peace thy steps attend.
Except (Accept) this tribute of respect
from one who is they (thy) Friend

Selma C(?)ve,

Wilson Utah Feb 3th 1901

Friend Will –

Far may we search
before we find, a heart so manly
and so kind.

Your friend
Martha Erickson

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