Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lavell Hokanson Johnson Journal, Oct. 29th, 1988 to Dec., 1988

Clifford W Johnson and Lavell H Johnson were dressing to attend a Golden Wedding on 29 Oct 1988.

Clifford was in the bedroom. I was in the kitchen (and) heard a loud thud and ran to him. He was on the floor in front of the door to (the) hall and the dresser.

Neighbor and Grandson Kirk Breitweiser lives next door. (I) called him on the phone.

(I) placed (a) pillow under Clifford’s head and covered him with (a) blanket.

His hip was tender. To be safe (I) called 911 and (an) ambulance (which) took him to the Dee-McKay Hospital emergency.

(He had) an operation to put a plate in his hip. He was transfered to the South Wing for therapy and assistance in learning to walk, get in and out of bed and wheel chair.

The 22 of Nov. (he was) released to go to his home where (there was) a hospital bed, wheel chair and walker and nurse aid. (We were) assisted by son and daughter.

For 16 days (I) gave (him) tender care.

He died Dec 8 1988 at home.

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