Sunday, August 8, 2010

Aug 8th 2010 Post

Hi Family,

No post last week because I was in Hurricane and Cedar City with my family. My wife (Amie) plays the flute in the 23rd Army Band and she had some concerts down south.

Rex & I went for an early morning swim and it was Rex's first time in a pool, (although he has been out water tubing on a lake several times).

If I look tired in this picture it's because I am. It was a rough night's sleep!

We also stopped by Cove Fort like we do every year. Amie's 2nd Great Grandfather, Ira Hinckley built Cove Fort in 1867. Amie and her family helped with the cleanup of Cove Fort before it was turned over to the church.

I like this picture because it shows some personal results for Amie and I. After Reed was born we decided to make some lifestyle changes, so we started a diet. I've lost 22 lbs and Amie has lost 33 lbs so far.

An interesting side note: I have a couple pictures of Grandpa at Cove Fort in the 1920's:

Anyway, I'm currently working on Grandpa's 1965 Journal, however I have some time constraints today, so the post will not be completed until next week.

I appreciate your patience and support!

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