Sunday, May 9, 2010

Glen's Talk Notes From His Mom's (Lavell's) Funeral Oct. 19th, 1994

1. Summer 1941
2. Thank bloodline Mom, God - Have Dad Mom choose me
3. Told me I was adopted - I felt special
4. Gwen told about Santa - Mom comforted me    6 or 7
5. I wanted to be a girl - Stay home - cook, sew    6 or 7
6. Last spanking    6 or 7
7. Painted Dad's truck Marv, Scott, I (Mom noticed)    7 or 8
8. Kendal P. piano    8 or 9
9. Piano - Lay on bench "Deep Purple" - I don't hear you    9 or 10
10. Canada - Vacation - She cooked / Side ways movie camera
     11 yrs Birth Day
11. Teenager - Parties at house - Fun holsome (wholesome)
     games    13-19
12. She organized & started Cousins parties
13. I took Cadi (Cadillac) for joy ride (No driver's license) Mom
     kind    16
14. Mom encouraged & helped Dad - Never belittled him
     or found fault - Very supportive - Success Marriage
15. If angry with - No bad talk - Truly a good Wife
16. Thru thick / thin - Always hot meal
17. Diary - Elaine / Venna remember *
18. She always showed true Christ like love to others even if they
     treated her indifferently or unkindly & taught Gwen & me to do
     the same. Others could learn (from) her good example.

A Grand Lady, an exceptional wife & help-meet, and a loving & good Mother Mom - That is how "I remember Mother"

(Back Side Of Dad's Notes)

I love W.O.'s & Grandpa Johnson's old school designs and advertisements for their paint business.

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