Sunday, April 18, 2010
Hyrum Pehr Hokanson & Sarah Irena Jenson Hokanson 40th Wedding Anniversary Autograph Book Mar. 17, 1940
Autographs Book
“Mr and Mrs. Hyrum Hokanson
Celebrate their Fortieth Wedding Anniversary.”
Twenty six invitations were mailed, inviting
guests to an informal dinner and dance, to
be held February eighth, nineteen hundred forty at
Dicks Banquet Hall at twenty three fifty one Washington
Blvd. celebrating their fortieth wedding anniversary.
The guests were received in the reception
room to the east of the banquet hall at, Seven
thirty by the honored couple. Mrs. Hokanson
wore a sheer blue dress and a lovely corsage
of orange rose buds and white sweet-peas. The
host wearing a button(aire) to match.
At eight P.M. the party entered the banquet
hall and were seated at a beautifully decorated
table centered by a large three layer
wedding cake, in all white, with ten tiny
pink rose buds around outside of each
layer, the wedding cake was surrounded
by gardenias and pink carnations on a
bed of green fern. At either side of the
wedding cake were two tall white
candles in dual candleabra’s, these
also being surrounded by the white and
pink flowers. Half way between the center
and the end of the table two more tall
white candles encircled by the same kind
of flowers. At each place were white place
cards edged with silver with silver bells
and silver flowers in corner.
Twenty four guests enjoyed the dinner, four others
were unable to attend, Mr & Mrs Wm Johnson and
Osey and Amanda Jenson. All of their children and
their husbands and wives were present except Fern
and Kenneth Burnett who live in California.
The dinner consisted of fruit cocktail, thousand
island salad, roast turkey, dressing, sweet potato
frozen peas french fried potatoes, cramberry jelly
toasted french roll with choice of coffee milk or
buttermilk to drink, cake icecream roll for dessert.
A very delicious meal. At the conclusion Ardella
read a tribute entitled – “To Our Dear Parents”, as
symbolic of their lives, as a tribute from the children.
Delbert Holmgren gave a poem, “Do You Know
Grandpa Hokanson?” which seemed very appropriate.
The children sand, “Take a little tip from Mother
Take a little tip from Dad” composed for the occasion.
All joined in the song later. A Gardenia was presented
to each lady present and a carnation to each gentleman.
Dancing was enjoyed for an hour or so, after
which a group photo was taken. A little later
colored moving pictures were taken – such as
Hyrum asking for the hand of Irene in marriage,
the marriage ceremony, the guests and gifts
arriving at the reception, Ushering in of the children.
Introducing the inlaws and a group picture for
the Grand Finale. Dancing and singing was
enjoyed and continued until a late hour.
The Wedding Cake was cut unwrapped and
each guest received a portion. And so ended
the Fortieth Wedding Anniversary Celebration.
To Our Dear Parents.
We Love You, not only for what you are,
but for what we are when we are with you.
We Love You, not only for what you have made
of yourselves, but for what you are making of us.
We Love You, for the good in us that you bring out.
We Love You, for putting your hand in ours and
overlooking all the frivolous and weak things
that you cannot help seeing in us; and
drawing out into the light all the beautiful,
radient things that no one else has looked
quite deep enough to find.
We Love You, because you are helping us to
make of the lumber of our lives, not a
tavern, but a temple, and the words of our
every day, not a reproach but a song.
We Love You, because you have done more,
than anyone else could have done, to make
us happy.
We Love You, for the forty years, spent in
teaching us the value of physical and
mental work, honorable and upright living.
You have shown us by example.
You have done it just by being yourselves.
After all, isn’t that what being true, lovable,
thoughtful parents really means.
Your Children
Dear Mother and Dad –
Roses are red Violets are Blue –
I needed a spanking
And I got one from you.
Do you know Grandpa Hokanson?
I don’t suppose but say –
I don’t believe that there’s a man,
As great as him to-day
He never done no fighting.
On land or on the sea.
He wasn’t a Napoleon
A Grant or yet a Lee.
No doubt Pierpont Morgan,
Could have skinned him in a trade.
Cause as far as education is concerned,
Why I’m afraid
That Grandpa wasn’t hardly what you’d
call a number one.
Cause he got his schooling mostly,
Out beneath the shining sun.
The newspapers never bothered,
Over Grandpa’s affairs,
But a great man will depart,
When he climbs the “Golden Stairs,”
Now Grandpa only had one Son.
He had so much to do.
But he raised this boy “By Golly”
Till he’s decent thru and thru.
He taught this Boy to honor him.
And again I wish to state.
In my opinion Grandpa
Should be numbered with the Great.
P.S. And Grandma too.
Sixth of your children,
But greatful too –
To have been born,
To Dad and you.
You taught me all
That I should know,
So on the right path
I would go.
I’ll try to be
As good and true
As Mother and Dad
You taught me to.
(Your Sixth)
Song Composed For Occasion
Hyrum and Irene had quite a family
Six girls and a boy
Helping them to land a WO RT HY mate
Was their greatest joy
We would go to them for their good advice
Almost every day
They’d scratch their heads, ponder a while
Pull up their chair and say.
Take a little tip from Mother
Take a little tip from Dad
Stay far away from the glamorous boys
Each handsome shiek, is a full grown lemon,
Wedding chimes, seven times
Out of ten are bad, BUT –
If you find a Pal like Mother
Get married like your dear old Dad.
Wedding Ceremony preformed
at Movie Wedding by Bro.
George Christensen. as follows –
Hyrum Hokanson you take Irene Jenson
by the right hand in the token of the Covenant
you now enter into, to become her lawful
weded husband to love honor and cherish
her as long as you both shall live, and
this you do in the presence of your offspring,
children, and grandchildren and these
witnesses, of your own free will
and choive?
I – DO.
I pronounce You Man and Wife.
Dear Father and Mother:
If you but know the light
That your souls cast in my sight,
How I look to you
For the good and true,
The Beauteous and the right.
May you have many many more
Happy Anniversaries.
Dear Mother and Dad
You heaped on more wood, the wind was chill
But yet it blew and whistled as it will.
You chopped the wood from off that hill
To keep that precious Bundle warm and well.
Now think of all those years that passed between,
Until that day I realized my fondest dream.
My wife and I, twenty happy years have seen.
Your love and friendliness has made them gleam
Your guidance and advice I ever more esteem.
Dear Mother and Dad
Don’t pass my greeting lightly by –
There’s more in it than “meets the eye!”
There’s deep affection here for you –
Honest admiration, too,
And most of all, a wish sincere
For lasting gladness, Parents Dear!
This day has a meaning new.
Since seeing movie stars like you
For just to see Dad propose
Say’s we young fellows must keep on our toes.
Dear Mother & Dad
The fourth of your children
The third squalling girl.
With a wrinkled red face
And not even a curl.
When exhibited Archie, my brother, said
“Throw her to the pigs,
I’ll take a banana instead”.
I’ve been quite a bother
I can’t help but see.
With knocked out teeth
And a split open knee.
I can’t half repay for the trouble I’ve been,
To you Dad and Mother and the rest of my kin.
You’re the best kind of parents
A child ever had.
You made us independent, showed us right,
kept us away from the bad.
We’re not a sentimental family,
Our inner thoughts don’t show.
But we think a heap more of you
Than we’ve ever let you know.
Dear Mother & Dad.
At last I got the courage,
To ask you for her hand.
The second daughter that you bore,
Was my choice of all your band.
I pondered long, because you see,
The memories still were clear,
Of that sleepless night in January 25.
The clock said three or near,
of course we ran out of gas,
Or the tank was draining we fear.
A fire truck and two old cans were near.
Or the clock would have chimed,
Many more cold hours I hear,
All was forgiven by our Parents Dear.
I’m not a poet, you wont have to tell me. I know it.
Mar 17, 1940
Dear Mother and Dad
It only seems like yesterday,
Yet fifteen years have passed away –
Since at the alter side by side.
Archie asked me to be his bride.
He was your “third”, and only boy,
A Grandson I know would be your joy,
But I live in hopes of bearing a son –
With the “Hokanson” name to carry on.
You good and noble parents have treated me
Just the same as one of your family tree
Without my Mother,-who was sent above –
I will always be grateful for your love.
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1 comment:
Did Archie & Leona Hokanson ever have a son?
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